What is clairaudience?

What is clairaudience?

What is clairaudience (clear hearing) Clairaudience, or ‘clear-hearing’, is the ability to… 1. hear inspirational thoughts (from a person’s own intuitional functioning) or 2. to be able to hear messages from Spirit Guides, the Third Language or other disembodied...
Our Brains are Hard-Wired to Believe

Our Brains are Hard-Wired to Believe

Our brains are a belief engine Our brains are hard-wired to believe.  What I mean by that is that we have to believe certain things just in order to function! Often when working with clients, I come up against forces and walls of energy that prevent growth. These...
How Highly Sensitive People and Empaths deal with trauma

How Highly Sensitive People and Empaths deal with trauma

Trauma and the Highly Sensitive Person and/or Empath Clearing trauma is something many people are awakening to on their spiritual journey.   Initially, it may sound simple, but like many aspects of personal growth, it isn’t always easy. Many of us have been...
Akashic Stargate Sessions

Akashic Stargate Sessions

New!  Stargate Akashic Sessions This is a Stargate, created by another Soul on the Spiritual Journey called Prageet Harris. He designed his first Stargate to help people change their states of consciousness and created it by feel as he cut copper pipes.  There was a...