
Akashic Age Business

More people are becoming curious about the Akashic Records

Curious about the Akashic Records? I ask my Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones why so many more people are waking up to the eternal nature of their Akashic Records and why people are wishing to learn more about their spiritual origins and journey.

Your Akashic Record is like no-one else’s and is a mine of positive energy

Lee Carroll channeling Kryon talks about the uniqueness of our Akashic Record. In this New Age, we can learn to access our own Akashic Records using a number of spiritual methods. Sarah offers Akashic Records Readings using Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer Process.

An Akashic Records Slideshow

Here is a short slideshow to explain exactly what the Akashic Records are and how you can benefit from either having an Akashic Records Reading or from learning to read your own Akashic Records. EnJOY!