How often do you think about your future? Did you know know that you have an energetic relationship with your future and that you can influence outcomes? This may sound somewhat out of the box – yet our present and past decisions affect our future energetically. Find out more and try out my future goal setting personality quiz.
New Energy Psychology
Universal Karmic Law – You can’t take energy from others without consequence
Here is the first energetic Karmic Law explained. You can’t take energy from others by osmosis without some form of Karmic payment to the Universe. Read on to learn how this can happen, and what you may need to do to change the effect of this energetic Karmic Law on you and others.
The real reasons people are scared of psychic mediums
Why are some people scared of psychic mediums? Are they scared to have their beliefs changed, or to feel a weird energy, or to realize that there is life after death and that we may all need to learn to be more responsible for our actions than we would like. What do you think?
Past Lives are fascinating yet it’s time to clear them from our energy
Finding out about Past Lives can be fascinating. A past life connection can often explain our fascination with a place, lifestyle or era, as well as give us validation on the Spiritual Journey that our Soul exists apart from our current life. Read more about Past Lives and how to use the knowledge to help you on the Journey.
Talents and abilities hidden in your energy field
Just exactly what is a talent, or ability? And how can I go about finding mine? I discovered the Clifton Strengthsfinder model through a book called ‘Now, Discover Your Strengths’. I love the positive psychology embedded in this work and so went on to read their book about Strengths in Marriage, which can be applied to any relationship, marriage or otherwise. What are your hidden talents or abilities?
Passing the Wisdom Barrier
What is the Wisdom Barrier? There are individual Wisdom Barriers to go through on the Spiritual Journey, and group level consciousness Wisdom Barriers that we all pass through together, or in Groups. Read on to learn more.