Your Personal Energy Field exists, and here’s why you need to learn more about it
Learn more about your Personal Energy to become more energized. This will help you to balance your brain and body systems, stay healthy and get more productive. You may even become more intuitive.
Your Personal Energy Field is definitely worth your focus on today. Our Aura contains as much useful information as our DNA, perhaps even more.
Intense experience of energy – my story #1
When I was 3 years old, I remember having intense experiences of energy with a friend of my parents.
We would holiday every year on the Isle of Wight, a small island at the foot of the UK. Our camp site was on National Trust land, like a State Park. The reason we could do this was because of my mum and dad’s friend, who was the harbormaster.
Every time this man came near me I would scream. I would just scream.
My mum, being the polite British woman she was, would play it down and try and talk me out of it. I knew that I did not like him, or the energy he exuded, at all.
Socialization and social rules won out
At the time my mum would say to him that I was ‘scared of his hair’ because he had a buzz cut.
Later on in life, I replayed this memory to my mum, and she told me I was right to scream.
Whenever my dad was out of sight and this man was around, he would make unwelcome sexual passes at my mother.
This is one example of how our energy field can inform us.
I was a young child, yet I’ve always been energetically sensitive - an Intuitive Sensitive Person (ISP). I just didn’t know what to call it when I was three, so I just screamed.
Imprints in a house, my story #2
In my early thirties, I was in business in the UK.
My business partner and I went to see someone who could give us partner insurance. This can be useful if one partner in a business gets sick – or has other issues where they are unable to work.
The broker had a home business and so we met in his office in the front part of his house. This was an old medieval house in Lewes, East Sussex.
The minute I walked through the door of this house, I began to hear an insistent inner conversation from somewhere.
This intuitive conversation was about how a woman had died in this house by falling down the very steep stairs at the back. It was very distracting, but I did my best to block it out and focus on the business at hand.
What I was experiencing was the truth!
At the end of the meeting, I found myself asking the broker if anyone had died at the stairs at the back.
I’ll admit it, I just blurted it out. I couldn’t help myself.
He went very pale and agreed.
He said that in the history of the house, a husband and wife had lived there. The husband had pushed the wife down the stairs during an argument. She had died of her injuries.
That period of my life was before I came out about being intuitive and reading energy.
Mostly, I kept those experiences to myself because my mother told me to do so out of fear.
Luckily for us, she came out as psychic and knowing energy too before she passed, and we healed that aspect of our relationship together.
Reading others’ energy, my story #3
Recently I took part in a Medical Intuitive experiment. I’ve always been interested in this aspect of reading people’s energy.
Caroline Myss (pronounced ‘Mace’) is one of the most well-known medical intuitive readers in the West.
She has an extremely high accuracy rate (85–95%), better than most doctors.
A medical intuitive can scan your energy field and body systems to identify energetic blockages or restrictions.
This can be especially useful when a person has visited doctor after doctor and has an illness that defies modern medicine.
During this experiment, I joined a group of people on Zoom and scanned someone I didn’t know. I had never met him before. I practiced using some medical intuitive techniques.
Several of my ‘hits’ were validated as correct by the individual.
Becoming very accurate in this field takes practice and demands focus on learning specific techniques.
It can work very well to discover the cause of an illness that was previously undetectable.
Working with our Personal Energy Field in other ways
There are many different ways to work with your Personal Energy Field that I haven’t even begun to touch on here.
We are all energetically entangled or connected. The entanglement theory is something that quantum physicists work with intense interest daily.
Famous experiments such as the Bell Inequality Test are an excellent demonstration of the fact that all energy is connected, or entangled.
In the Bell InequalityTest, when photons (light particles) are separated and one photon is influenced, both photons react in the same way as if they are still connected.
Albert Einstein called this spooky action at a distance.
Our Personal Energy Field is entangled, too
Given that we are all made up of particles and atoms, many see these scientific discoveries as proof that all of us are entangled in a ‘field’ of energy.
In my view, I believe that entanglement also applies to our consciousness through our Personal Energy Field.
When a person can become conscious of their own Personal Energy Field, they can begin to ‘read’, understand or intuit the energetic connections they have with other people, places, and things. (Sarah Lawrence).
If you like the science of this, here’s a nice article from Science Alert showing the first-ever photographic proof of Quantum Entanglement.
In an incredible first, scientists have captured the world’s first actual photo of quantum entanglement – a phenomenon…
Often people who begin as scientists in the field of quantum physics end up finding themselves questioning the nature of consciousness. This is an aspect of the energetic field that connects us all.
Many of our future leaps in personal growth and societal awareness will be related to the melding of science with consciousness.
We will then begin to understand more about gravity, the bendable nature of time, and the reality of multi-dimensional awareness.
I firmly believe that for all of us to continue to evolve on this planet and solve our problems, learning about our energy is the first step to change.
If we can all do that, we will gain more clarity, connectedness, and intuitive abilities.
Learning about your Personal Energy Field can only be a good thing!
Why do we even have beliefs – because our brains are hard-wired to believe. Without beliefs we couldn’t function or have a frame of reference for actions, thoughts and behaviors. The trouble really begins when we hold onto beliefs that no longer serve us.
Do the beliefs we hold in our brains prevent growth?
Our brains are hard-wired to believe. What I mean by that is that we have to believe certain things just in order to function!
Often clients come to me because they are experiencing forces and walls of energy that seem to prevent growth.
These subconscious forces, or thoughtforms, can block a client from experiencing wellness or a positive self-image. Perhaps they even prevent someone or from moving forward on their personal development journey.
This can happen even if the reasons cannot always be explained or identified by the client.
Beliefs and thoughts can be a powerful invisible force. They may either help or hinder the holder and can quite often be outside of our conscious awareness.
So how do beliefs get created in the first place?
Dr. Michael Shermer, founding publisher at Skeptic Magazine, spent 30 years compiling information about the nature of belief.
We form our beliefs for a variety of subjective, personal, emotional, and psychological reasons in the context of environments. These environments are created by family, friends, colleagues, culture, and society at large.
After forming our beliefs, we then defend, justify, and rationalize them with a host of intellectual reasons, cogent arguments, and rational explanations. Beliefs come first, explanations for beliefs follow.
Dr Michael Shermer
Dr. Shermer goes so far as to say from his research, that he sees the brain as a ‘belief engine’.
It processes data into patterns to make sense of them and then adds emotionality through meaning and intention.
After that, Dr. Shermer says that our brains reinforce our beliefs with looped processes.
This is a kind of belief confirmation, which helps us to embed the belief data more deeply into our systems.
From his theory, we are essentially a bystander in this process of belief generation.
We will simply believe certain things which are presented to us – if we have a functioning brain.
If we are truly hard-wired to believe, what can we do?
At some point on our journey, our belief-making brains bump up against something on the outside that just doesn’t match.
When this occurs, something called cognitive dissonance may happen in our minds.
Perhaps the non-matching data feels too threatening and scary for our wellbeing. The brain may choose tostick happily or stubbornly with our programmed beliefs – even if they no longer serve us.
Perhaps we may have way too much of our lives invested in the belief in question. Our body-minds are just too overwhelmed with the thought of change to adopt anything new.
If we can become aware of cognitive dissonance, we might then choose to study the new data. This could result in a shift of our belief systems into a new belief.
Perhaps we’ll reform and change the old belief immediately (an epiphany!). Maybe the process will take longer, where we change associated actions and connections related to the belief over time.
We may even ultimately shift to a more expanded level of awareness as a result of this happening. Then we begin to understand that we have belief ‘systems’ that may change and grow over time as we evolve.
Essentially, the inside of our minds (the map) can never be the same as the outside world (the territory). This is because our brains are simply constructs, or mirrors, of reality.
When we let go of, or drop a belief, it clears our mind. The mind drops the map in order to see more of the outside (the territory). Our cognitive dissonance lessons.
If beliefs are so hard-wired, how can we check them?
Studying EP (Energy Psychology) I have worked with systems that help to clear unhelpful beliefs.
As it is for all of us, clearing non-serving beliefs is a work in progress. Belief-checking requires a lot of inner work and stalking of boundaries.
As human consciousness evolves, we are beginning to realize that we are not just mechanistic bodies. There is more to us than merely the sum of our brains, nervous systems, and organs.
We are beginning to understand that consciousness itself can be used as a force for good. We can learn to help ourselves heal and improve our lot on this Blue Planet.
Or – you can choose not to believe that!
Energy Psychology (EP) and our beliefs
Within the field of Energy Psychology and alternative health and wellness, belief-busting new tools are now growing in popularity.
Here’s one example: –
EFT – The Emotional Freedom Technique™, also known as ‘tapping’. This belief-busting tool is gaining ground for assistance with trauma release based on clearing unconscious reactions and memories.
Research…demonstrates that EFT is effective for many physical symptoms.
In an RCT of veterans with PTSD, their levels of physical pain dropped by 41% in six sessions.
A researcher at Sweden’s Lund University developed an eight-week online course applying EFT in fibromyalgia.
She found significant improvement in pain, anxiety and depression among fibromyalgia patients. A third of the participants recovered completely.
Note that the Mayo Clinic website states “there is no cure” for this disease.
My point here is this — people are using a new system now that gets results. EFT works for some peoplewith PTSD or chronic illness as shown above. With evidence like this, we cannot afford to shift our hard-wired brains and begin to believe something new?
Going meta with our ideas helps us to shift old beliefs
Going meta, (original Greek meaning – beyond, after, or behind) is a term applied to a way of thinking. Meta thinking detaches us from our existing train of thought – to see if there is a better one.
In my experience, a shift in our state of mind is sometimes the easiest way to look at old beliefs. Seeing an old viewpoint from a new and different angle enables us to question what we thought before.
In the last 100 years, we have shifted from a number of firmly held medical beliefs. For example, we used to believe that bumps on our skull were related to different personality types.
Then we moved to a belief that the brain rules every function in the body.
As we understand more about consciousness, biology and non-locality, our beliefs are changing about the brain, too.
Holding onto what we know can make us feel more comfortable, of course. But sometimes, old ideas just need to age out of our mindset.
As Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet and Akashic Records Reader once said
“Mind is indeed the Builder . . . what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.”
― Edgar Cayce
I like to believe that with Energy psychology, we will create new and amazing beliefs. Changing some of our old and outdated beliefs will take humanity onward into the future!
I hope that the human consciousness movement continues to grow.
Perhaps being hard-wired to believe through our brains can then become a tool for personal growth. This will change the way we structure our reality, and who we believe we are.
Trauma and the Highly Sensitive Person and/or Empath
Clearing trauma is something many people are awakening to on their spiritual journey. Initially, it may sound simple, but like many aspects of personal growth, it isn’t always easy.
Many of us have been raised in cultures which allow no space for recognition of trauma. It is simply not acknowledged. This can be through lack of awareness via the culture, the family of origin, or both.
For example, I was raised in a small British village by two parents who had truly awful childhoods for one reason or another. They were both young adults during the Second World War. Both of them had to learn how to deal with stress and pain without acknowledging it openly. As their child, I learned their lessons well.
From the British culture, there was (and probably still is) the oft-spoken energetic instruction of ‘the stiff upper lip’.
From, the meaning of ‘keep a stiff upper lip’ is defined as
Remain resolute and unemotional in the face of adversity, or even tragedy.
It was an instruction to power on through and manage whatever came a person’s way without demonstrating emotion. (Interesting to note – the origin of this phrase may have actually come from the US culture!).
Of course, this instruction originally came from a place of want and need. People needed to survive and found a very effective way to do so.
What does blocking trauma and emotion do to our Personal Energy?
Having a stiff upper lip is now diametrically opposed to more modern evolved psychological and spiritual practices. We are beginning to learn the value of self-examination, review, and release of Personal Energy.
Clearing trauma helps us to be more at peace, increase our physical wellness, and love ourselves fully, instead of living with places we can’t look.
Compartmentalizing trauma may work in the short term, but in the longer term, it is injurious to ourselves and others.
A prime example of this in current day life is the recognition of PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and its’ impact upon the lives of war veterans and their families. Blocking trauma can result in unhealthy behavior, issues with health and even self-harm.
But what about those who are even more sensitive, such as HSPs or Empaths? We not only feel the trauma that we experience, yet also sense the trauma of others intensely, too?
How do HSPs and Empaths experience trauma?
If you are reading this, then you may either be interested in your Personal Energy Field, be an HSP or an Empath. So how have we coped with life’s traumas up until now?
If you are anything like me, you became a master disassociator.
This means that when trauma occurs, you jump right out of your body. You go to a very small part or seeming ‘protected’ part of your inner self where the trauma can’t get you.
During times when I wasn’t sure how to deal with traumatic situations, I became very good at ‘blank face’, and ‘still body’. This would mean that I could read other people, but they couldn’t read me, or read me less, anyway.
Some of my other tricks of the trade were
fading into the crowd (acting like the others, even if I didn’t like what was going on)
spending a lot of time alone to recharge
constructing a dream world I could live in
creating imaginary friends
becoming addicted to zone out activities such as overeating and watching tv
pretending I wasn’t in pain, when in fact, I was
ignoring bullying attempts at school.
In so many ways, expounding on the advice from the ‘stiff upper lip’ energetic instruction! I suspect you may recognize some of the above responses from your own playlist.
How to cope with much more intense responses to trauma as an HSP or Empath? Causal body energy work and Spiritual Practice can help
Two approaches work really well for me. The first thing I do is work with my Causal Body, which is a part of our Personal Energy.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Think of your Causal body as the connection between your inner child and your adult self. The more you work on your intuition, the stronger this connection grows. #spirituality #energetics ” quote=”Think of your Causal body as the connection between your inner child and your adult self. This connection is the Causal Body. The more you work on your intuition, the stronger this connection grows. You could also think of it as an aspect of your Soul which grows stronger and more active as you work with it.”]
My Akashic Guides comment on the Causal Body is as follows
“These two parts of Our Selves, the adult, and inner child are always connected from the Akashic perspective.
When we incarnate and live in the Planet Earth schoolroom, these parts can become fragmented, separated and divided by trauma, programming, and personal choice.
If somebody tells you ‘not to be a baby’ you may let go of a connected piece of your inner child aspect because – and this is the part of the event that is a good idea – you want to fit in! Everybody wants to fit in when they are younger.
You don’t lose this inner child piece or other pieces that are let go because they are always connected in multi-dimensionality, but in 3D they are ‘apparently’ separated.
The adult part of ourselves can be broken, thwarted and lost – or there can sometimes be a refusal by the other parts of ourselves, including the inner child, to assume the responsibilities that come with being an adult on planet Earth.
These fragmented pieces can float about in the aura, knocking into each other or into other people’s lost and fragmented pieces, sometimes cause triggering, more pain and disassociation, or in the more hopeful scenario, healing, and greater wholeness.
From the Akashic Energy Perspective, as we said earlier, the Causal Body is always whole and healed. Think of it as an energetic internet superhighway between our younger and older selves. They are different aspects of us so why not communicate and pass information and data between them? We never know what we might learn!”
Regular Spiritual Practice
As an HSP and Empath, I process energy differently from other people. Of course, for all I know, we all do — and it’s simply that some people haven’t expanded their awareness in the same way at present.
For anyone who is highly sensitive and spiritual, I recommend at the very least
a daily meditation practice
moving energy somehow (yoga, tai chi, chi gung).
Becoming more aware of your Personal Energy through Causal Energy Work will grow your intuition, your connection with your Soul and increase what I call your coping bandwith.
Good or effective leadership in my experience can come down to intention.
First web result for intention
[in- ten-sh uhn]
1. an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
2. the end or object intended; purpose.
3. the act or fact of intending.
4. Surgery, Medicine/Medical. a manner or process of healing, as in the healing of a lesion or fracture without granulation (healing by first intention) or the healing of a wound by granulation after suppuration (healing by second intention)
5.meaning or significance: The intention of his words was clear.
I’ve experienced being a leader on a help-desk in a high traffic broadcast media environment (lots of swearing and stressed out clients), being an IT Manager for a team of training consultants in a private company (polite swearing), and being the co-director of a small independent training company which I co-created. Much more fun, Friday afternoon paperclip fights, and very little swearing!
I have experienced the best leaders and the worst too, including the bosses with too many hands, #metoo.
I have also spent many years leading learners in the training room!
[clickToTweet tweet=”Bosses are leaders who tell you what to do. True leaders inspire you to do better as well as teach. Sarah Lawrence, New World Energetics” quote=”Bosses are leaders who tell you what to do. True leaders inspire you to do better as well as teach.”] (You may tweet that but don’t fire me, haha).
Leadership growth can come from learning not to be influenced
I was always given the ‘difficult’ students in IT because I seemed to be able to help them. In my opinion, my ability to handle the so-called ‘difficult people’ was down to intention setting.
I intended to help them, not let my head-space be interfered with or front-loaded by reputation or gossip, or in fact anyone else’s ideas about that person, which are never 100% accurate anyway.
Intend to be as present as possible as a leader, have clear goals, aspirations, and inspirations, and stay honest.
Experience each team member in the present moment. Not easy, but it works in my experience. If you learn more about our Personal Energy field and apply the principals, it becomes even easier than that.
The fish stinks from the head down – ‘stinky’ leadership
Can’t remember who wrote this, but it has always rung true for me “The fish stinks from the head down”. You have a stinky ‘fishhead’, you have a stinky organization or team.
Working now in the realm of ideas and intuition, and the fifth-dimension (I’m an intuitive reader, accessing something called the Akashic Records, something I NEVER thought I’d do when I was trotting to training rooms with my briefcase in hand…you can stop reading at this point if this is too ‘woo woo’ for you. If not, though…
Here’s some of what I have learned so far about leadership from the realm of business energetics, which is combining business knowledge with information from our Akashic Records and our Personal Energy Field.
Many people have karmic issues with authority! Many people find themselves in leadership roles exactly because they need to work out their karmic issues from not respecting authority before, or not being an effective leader before. It can explain a lot about traumatic leadership situations, which at least can lead to a deeper understanding, but not necessarily a solution to the issue.
People have specific soul attributes (the best metaphor I can give is the soul level version of Myers Briggs®). When people focus on these attributes and understand them better, it can be enlightening, help a person know themselves, and become a better leader…or team member, or whatever else they might be. It’s amazing what deep wisdom is stored in our Personal Energy. You can find out more about this by having a Soul Star Reading.
‘Born leaders’ may be carrying not only a combination of DNA influence from their physical family line (up to 14 generations of gene expression can be carried forward in DNA ‘tagging’) but also past life leadership experiences. Become aware of both influences can inspire a leader, and a team too.
A person’s ability to change themselves for the better can be related to Soul-Level Karma. What if you have a boss with a lot of past-life karma that is holding herself or himself back? It’s not helping anybody in the long run. Learning to understand our own personal energetics can improve interpersonal business energetics enormously.
Learning more about our energetic goal-setting personality can improve our leadership skills
As a leader or potential leader…or even someone who is subject to your boss’s decision-making, planning, and goal-setting abilities, here’s a new idea for you.
We often discuss our comfort zone when setting new personal or business goals. We all know there’s a place where we are more comfortable acting, creating and doing business.
In many businesses, people realize that at some point they will have to jump out of their comfort zone to make changes at the personal or professional level. This is not easy, it’s hard and it’s uncomfortable on many levels, which is why the comfort zone is so comfortable!
So as a new idea for business energetics, consider these two questions
Have you ever thought about the business energetics in your organization?
That is, how karma, personal energy and, interpersonal energetics may be affecting the efficient functioning of leadership in a team or group. Yes, it is a very a new idea but read on if you are intrigued.
2. What if – at the soul level you or colleagues have karmic issues holding you in place from growing personally, and therefore professionally?
Wild and woolly, I know. And what if you also each have an individual level of personal energy available to effect change for yourself and for a group or organization? Wouldn’t it be great to know what those levels are, and what steps you can take to make changes and shift those vibrational aspects of self?
I call the concept shown above ‘the three levels of awareness’, which leads us towards Energetic Integrity.
There are a lot of new energy psychology approaches out there, a lot of modalities, books, movies, workshops, t-shirts – you name it! Yet it really comes down to this.
If you work on expanding your awareness in all 3 areas
You will evolve and have greater Energetic Integrity!
Why focus on Energetic Integrity and expanded awareness?
Only do this if you are interested in…
managing the challenges and opportunities of daily life better
gaining more ‘chi’ or body energy by freeing yourself from unnecessary behaviors
opening your intuition, increasing your energetic sensitivity, growing your spiritual gifts.
This is the experience of Energetic Integrity.
In some ways, this is nothing new
We have all experienced Energetic Integrity at some time, or we would not know that we want to get ‘there’, or that we have been ‘there’.
Often though, we are not conscious of how to operate from Energetic Integrity on a daily basis, or how sometimes we shut ourselves down from being in that space of awareness.
Sometimes, it’s easier to notice when others are not operating from Energetic Integrity!
How can we tell if another person is operating from Energetic Integrity or not?
We sometimes know when other people are lying, something is ‘off’ about them or their body language is incongruent with their inner energetic intentions.
How can we know this? Because of our own Energetic Integrity, or lack of it — we resonate with, or against the energy of the person we are observing.
We know when other people are lying, or that there is something off about them, or that their body language is incongruent…because we either resonate with their actions, since we have done that before, or we resonate against their actions, because in this or previous lives we have learned that life lesson and have moved on from it.
How to raise our 3D awareness?
There’s that now often spoke saying in spiritual circles
We are not a human being having a spiritual experience, we are a spiritual being having a human experience
This can keep us mindful of the 3D experience. We are incarnated in human bodies whether we like it (or not!) and our human bodies are our instrument for change – like it or not!
To expand our awareness of our 3D experience we can also work with what I call the healing wheel for 3D awareness.
The Healing Wheel for 3D Awareness
Practice meditation
Practice language
Practice relationships/interpersonal connection
Practice connection with chakras and meridians
Practice learning more about vibrational medicine.
How to raise our Energetic Awareness?
This is where we begin to understand (or remember!) that there are more than the 5 senses available to us for expanded awareness and perception.
So perhaps we have had an energetic experience of connecting with a Loved One who has passed, or an opening experience to Unity Consciousness, Group Consciousness, or the energy of an Angel, Ascended Master.
Maybe we realize we are ready to become more conscious of our emotions and learn how to manage them in a more focused manner.
Along with this realization, a connection to the concept that thoughts really are things and that we are done with some thoughts and beliefs, and ready for new ones!
And finally, the perception that all of our energy fields really do exist and are connected to the etheric field.
Practice connection with contact with Loved Ones, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters
Practice Unity Consciousness
Practice Etheric Healing
Practice Thought Form Conversion and Generation
Practice Emotional Management.
How to raise our Akashic/Soul Level Awareness?
This happened spontaneously for me when I was sent a book I didn’t order about the Akashic Records!
If you are reading this then you are ready for Akashic and Soul Level Awareness, or already working with it.
The Akashic Records are an aspect of our energy field that literally ‘Records’ all our thoughts, actions, emotions, and circumstances, both in this life and past lives.
Working with your own Akashic Records can result in learning more about your own Soul Level truths, and can also create a release of restrictions and blockages related to karma, soul and past life issues.
You can also learn to access your Akashic Records to help you create better future choices, by truly learning from your past.
The healing wheel for Soul Level/Akashic Awareness
Soul Star Practice
Energetic Goal Setting Practice
Your Akashic Inheritance Practice
Akashic Relationship Practice
Akashic Inner Light Practice.
I hope you find these models and healing wheels useful, and a simple way to understand how we can evolve on this complex spiritual journey.
Working on any healing wheel will result in shifts in your life. Working on all 3 healing wheels with intention will definitely fast track your evolution!
Personal growth is intimately tied to societal innovation, corporate transformation, and career success; the inner and outer can no longer be disconnected.