Your Personal Energy Field exists, and here’s why you need to learn more about it
Learn more about your Personal Energy to become more energized. This will help you to balance your brain and body systems, stay healthy and get more productive. You may even become more intuitive.
Your Personal Energy Field is definitely worth your focus on today. Our Aura contains as much useful information as our DNA, perhaps even more.
Intense experience of energy – my story #1
When I was 3 years old, I remember having intense experiences of energy with a friend of my parents.
We would holiday every year on the Isle of Wight, a small island at the foot of the UK. Our camp site was on National Trust land, like a State Park. The reason we could do this was because of my mum and dad’s friend, who was the harbormaster.
Every time this man came near me I would scream. I would just scream.
My mum, being the polite British woman she was, would play it down and try and talk me out of it. I knew that I did not like him, or the energy he exuded, at all.
Socialization and social rules won out
At the time my mum would say to him that I was ‘scared of his hair’ because he had a buzz cut.
Later on in life, I replayed this memory to my mum, and she told me I was right to scream.
Whenever my dad was out of sight and this man was around, he would make unwelcome sexual passes at my mother.
This is one example of how our energy field can inform us.
I was a young child, yet I’ve always been energetically sensitive - an Intuitive Sensitive Person (ISP). I just didn’t know what to call it when I was three, so I just screamed.
Imprints in a house, my story #2
In my early thirties, I was in business in the UK.
My business partner and I went to see someone who could give us partner insurance. This can be useful if one partner in a business gets sick – or has other issues where they are unable to work.
The broker had a home business and so we met in his office in the front part of his house. This was an old medieval house in Lewes, East Sussex.
The minute I walked through the door of this house, I began to hear an insistent inner conversation from somewhere.
This intuitive conversation was about how a woman had died in this house by falling down the very steep stairs at the back. It was very distracting, but I did my best to block it out and focus on the business at hand.
What I was experiencing was the truth!
At the end of the meeting, I found myself asking the broker if anyone had died at the stairs at the back.
I’ll admit it, I just blurted it out. I couldn’t help myself.
He went very pale and agreed.
He said that in the history of the house, a husband and wife had lived there. The husband had pushed the wife down the stairs during an argument. She had died of her injuries.
That period of my life was before I came out about being intuitive and reading energy.
Mostly, I kept those experiences to myself because my mother told me to do so out of fear.
Luckily for us, she came out as psychic and knowing energy too before she passed, and we healed that aspect of our relationship together.
Reading others’ energy, my story #3
Recently I took part in a Medical Intuitive experiment. I’ve always been interested in this aspect of reading people’s energy.
Caroline Myss (pronounced ‘Mace’) is one of the most well-known medical intuitive readers in the West.
She has an extremely high accuracy rate (85–95%), better than most doctors.
A medical intuitive can scan your energy field and body systems to identify energetic blockages or restrictions.
This can be especially useful when a person has visited doctor after doctor and has an illness that defies modern medicine.
During this experiment, I joined a group of people on Zoom and scanned someone I didn’t know. I had never met him before. I practiced using some medical intuitive techniques.
Several of my ‘hits’ were validated as correct by the individual.
Becoming very accurate in this field takes practice and demands focus on learning specific techniques.
It can work very well to discover the cause of an illness that was previously undetectable.
Working with our Personal Energy Field in other ways
There are many different ways to work with your Personal Energy Field that I haven’t even begun to touch on here.
We are all energetically entangled or connected. The entanglement theory is something that quantum physicists work with intense interest daily.
Famous experiments such as the Bell Inequality Test are an excellent demonstration of the fact that all energy is connected, or entangled.
In the Bell InequalityTest, when photons (light particles) are separated and one photon is influenced, both photons react in the same way as if they are still connected.
Albert Einstein called this spooky action at a distance.
Our Personal Energy Field is entangled, too
Given that we are all made up of particles and atoms, many see these scientific discoveries as proof that all of us are entangled in a ‘field’ of energy.
In my view, I believe that entanglement also applies to our consciousness through our Personal Energy Field.
When a person can become conscious of their own Personal Energy Field, they can begin to ‘read’, understand or intuit the energetic connections they have with other people, places, and things. (Sarah Lawrence).
If you like the science of this, here’s a nice article from Science Alert showing the first-ever photographic proof of Quantum Entanglement.
In an incredible first, scientists have captured the world’s first actual photo of quantum entanglement – a phenomenon…
Often people who begin as scientists in the field of quantum physics end up finding themselves questioning the nature of consciousness. This is an aspect of the energetic field that connects us all.
Many of our future leaps in personal growth and societal awareness will be related to the melding of science with consciousness.
We will then begin to understand more about gravity, the bendable nature of time, and the reality of multi-dimensional awareness.
I firmly believe that for all of us to continue to evolve on this planet and solve our problems, learning about our energy is the first step to change.
If we can all do that, we will gain more clarity, connectedness, and intuitive abilities.
Learning about your Personal Energy Field can only be a good thing!
What is the difference between a psychic, a medium, and an empath?
I am asked this question quite often, what is the difference between the three categories?
Psychics are more commonly talked about these days, some psychic mediums are becoming public figures, and empathy is discussed in many forums online.
So what do these terms all mean?
A psychic can read your energy field. They can relay information such as…
future possibilities and potentials
relationship issues
answers to past and present circumstances. Predict the possible future outcomes in your current frame of probability.
A psychic medium can read your energy field for information such as
all of the above, plus
psychic mediums can also connect with your Loved Ones who have passed. They can relay personal information about your relationships present and past.
Psychic mediums have that name because they use their bodies as a ‘medium’ to interpret information from spirit. This can manifest as anything from becoming like the deceased Loved One through physical quirks and mannerisms, to sensing memories from the Loved Ones past. This helps to validate the experience of being connected with the Loved One for the client.
An empath may not be psychic, or a medium, but has (for whatever reason) a higher level of mirror neurons than some, meaning that the person can
tune in to other people’s emotions
read emotional energy or emotional states very easily
sense collective emotional energy unconsciously or consciously.
What about HSPs, or Highly Sensitive People?
Then there are HSPs, or Highly Sensitive People, who may, or may not be empathic and…
are extremely aware of their environment and the noise/sensations/actions of others
need regular breaks from stimulation to avoid overwhelm
HSPs make great carers, healers and health practitioners because of their sensitivity. (So do empaths).
Why do we even have beliefs – because our brains are hard-wired to believe. Without beliefs we couldn’t function or have a frame of reference for actions, thoughts and behaviors. The trouble really begins when we hold onto beliefs that no longer serve us.
Do the beliefs we hold in our brains prevent growth?
Our brains are hard-wired to believe. What I mean by that is that we have to believe certain things just in order to function!
Often clients come to me because they are experiencing forces and walls of energy that seem to prevent growth.
These subconscious forces, or thoughtforms, can block a client from experiencing wellness or a positive self-image. Perhaps they even prevent someone or from moving forward on their personal development journey.
This can happen even if the reasons cannot always be explained or identified by the client.
Beliefs and thoughts can be a powerful invisible force. They may either help or hinder the holder and can quite often be outside of our conscious awareness.
So how do beliefs get created in the first place?
Dr. Michael Shermer, founding publisher at Skeptic Magazine, spent 30 years compiling information about the nature of belief.
We form our beliefs for a variety of subjective, personal, emotional, and psychological reasons in the context of environments. These environments are created by family, friends, colleagues, culture, and society at large.
After forming our beliefs, we then defend, justify, and rationalize them with a host of intellectual reasons, cogent arguments, and rational explanations. Beliefs come first, explanations for beliefs follow.
Dr Michael Shermer
Dr. Shermer goes so far as to say from his research, that he sees the brain as a ‘belief engine’.
It processes data into patterns to make sense of them and then adds emotionality through meaning and intention.
After that, Dr. Shermer says that our brains reinforce our beliefs with looped processes.
This is a kind of belief confirmation, which helps us to embed the belief data more deeply into our systems.
From his theory, we are essentially a bystander in this process of belief generation.
We will simply believe certain things which are presented to us – if we have a functioning brain.
If we are truly hard-wired to believe, what can we do?
At some point on our journey, our belief-making brains bump up against something on the outside that just doesn’t match.
When this occurs, something called cognitive dissonance may happen in our minds.
Perhaps the non-matching data feels too threatening and scary for our wellbeing. The brain may choose tostick happily or stubbornly with our programmed beliefs – even if they no longer serve us.
Perhaps we may have way too much of our lives invested in the belief in question. Our body-minds are just too overwhelmed with the thought of change to adopt anything new.
If we can become aware of cognitive dissonance, we might then choose to study the new data. This could result in a shift of our belief systems into a new belief.
Perhaps we’ll reform and change the old belief immediately (an epiphany!). Maybe the process will take longer, where we change associated actions and connections related to the belief over time.
We may even ultimately shift to a more expanded level of awareness as a result of this happening. Then we begin to understand that we have belief ‘systems’ that may change and grow over time as we evolve.
Essentially, the inside of our minds (the map) can never be the same as the outside world (the territory). This is because our brains are simply constructs, or mirrors, of reality.
When we let go of, or drop a belief, it clears our mind. The mind drops the map in order to see more of the outside (the territory). Our cognitive dissonance lessons.
If beliefs are so hard-wired, how can we check them?
Studying EP (Energy Psychology) I have worked with systems that help to clear unhelpful beliefs.
As it is for all of us, clearing non-serving beliefs is a work in progress. Belief-checking requires a lot of inner work and stalking of boundaries.
As human consciousness evolves, we are beginning to realize that we are not just mechanistic bodies. There is more to us than merely the sum of our brains, nervous systems, and organs.
We are beginning to understand that consciousness itself can be used as a force for good. We can learn to help ourselves heal and improve our lot on this Blue Planet.
Or – you can choose not to believe that!
Energy Psychology (EP) and our beliefs
Within the field of Energy Psychology and alternative health and wellness, belief-busting new tools are now growing in popularity.
Here’s one example: –
EFT – The Emotional Freedom Technique™, also known as ‘tapping’. This belief-busting tool is gaining ground for assistance with trauma release based on clearing unconscious reactions and memories.
Research…demonstrates that EFT is effective for many physical symptoms.
In an RCT of veterans with PTSD, their levels of physical pain dropped by 41% in six sessions.
A researcher at Sweden’s Lund University developed an eight-week online course applying EFT in fibromyalgia.
She found significant improvement in pain, anxiety and depression among fibromyalgia patients. A third of the participants recovered completely.
Note that the Mayo Clinic website states “there is no cure” for this disease.
My point here is this — people are using a new system now that gets results. EFT works for some peoplewith PTSD or chronic illness as shown above. With evidence like this, we cannot afford to shift our hard-wired brains and begin to believe something new?
Going meta with our ideas helps us to shift old beliefs
Going meta, (original Greek meaning – beyond, after, or behind) is a term applied to a way of thinking. Meta thinking detaches us from our existing train of thought – to see if there is a better one.
In my experience, a shift in our state of mind is sometimes the easiest way to look at old beliefs. Seeing an old viewpoint from a new and different angle enables us to question what we thought before.
In the last 100 years, we have shifted from a number of firmly held medical beliefs. For example, we used to believe that bumps on our skull were related to different personality types.
Then we moved to a belief that the brain rules every function in the body.
As we understand more about consciousness, biology and non-locality, our beliefs are changing about the brain, too.
Holding onto what we know can make us feel more comfortable, of course. But sometimes, old ideas just need to age out of our mindset.
As Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet and Akashic Records Reader once said
“Mind is indeed the Builder . . . what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.”
― Edgar Cayce
I like to believe that with Energy psychology, we will create new and amazing beliefs. Changing some of our old and outdated beliefs will take humanity onward into the future!
I hope that the human consciousness movement continues to grow.
Perhaps being hard-wired to believe through our brains can then become a tool for personal growth. This will change the way we structure our reality, and who we believe we are.
I was unaware of the term ‘reframing your language’, or the requirement to reframe language as a personal development tool until I attended some NLP™ (Neuro-Linguistic Programming™) training.
Language can be stored in our inner world, or subconscious, as somatic whole forms, meaning, not just what we say, but what we think, hear, feel sense and know at the time.
In short, words can activate multi-dimensional sensory states, affecting our whole body chemistry.
Remember a happy memory, smell, feeling, day or time in your life
Learning to reframe your words can help you switch to somatic states of awareness that serve you better.
Does the smell of something bring back a happy feeling for you (some smells, of course, might make you recoil if there is an uncomfortable association).
For me, the smell of cut grass is a happy thing. It means summer days, tennis on the lawn and brings back memories of having raspberries for tea from the garden.
Perhaps when you hear a particular musical track, it brings back a happy time.
Or you might enjoy a sport or dance which represents ‘glory days’ for you.
Reframing your language can do this too.
Reframing your language and endorphins
Changing our language might seem like a lot of work.
I remember feeling that way on the NLP™ course and also having feelings of not being good enough coming up from my inner world when this concept was presented to me.
I had always been proud of my language skills and had enjoyed language and literature at school. I also found that writing came easily to me.
That was my ego talking, however, and was not the point of the training.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”The point was – more positive ways of reframing your language can create more positive states – quite literally, change the body and mind feel. #nlp #language #personalgrowth” quote=”The point was – more positive ways of reframing your language can create more positive states – quite literally, change the body and mind feel.”]
In our high-stress society, this has to be a good thing.
Some excellent examples of reframing your language
Recently on Twitter, I saw this tweet about 9 things to quit.
9 Things to quit:
1. Trying to please everyone
2. Fearing change
3. Living in the past
4. Overthinking
5. Being afraid to be different
6. Beating yourself up over mistakes
7. Sacrificing your happiness for others
8. Thinking you’re not good enough
9. Thinking you have no purpose
The intention of the above tweet is very powerful, having us consider practices of thinking, feeling, and acting in ways that do not serve us so that we can release those practices and change our inner world for the better.
Here are some ways to reframe the language of the tweet to make it even more powerful.
Reframing your language – how to do it
The simplest way to reframe is to switch a sentence from something that feels heavy in the body to something that feels lighter.
Trying to please everyone
(draining, hard to do, ‘there is no try’) becomes…
Learning to please yourself
No. 2…
Fearing change
can become
Accepting change
We could play with this a little more
Embracing change
Or find a saying (one of my favorites)
Change is here to stay.
Free printable exercise
If the idea of reframing your language resonates for you, here’s a free printable to help you complete the exercise>>Reframing your language
Intuition is a gift and a skill we all have, not just for spiritual work, but also to help save ourselves from manipulators. Some may say “I’m not very intuitive” either as a reason not to develop their skills or as an excuse for staying in lack of awareness land.
If we learn to get ourselves in the right state of mind, we can focus on growing our natural intuition.
This involves spatial awareness, emotional awareness of self and others, and the beginning of our journey to learning more about ourselves and the hidden parts of our internal self.
Over time, we can crank it up a notch and start to consider the higher levels of intuition or spiritual growth.
Maybe we’ll create a stronger connection to our Higher Self and fire up the desire for soul expansion.
Then we get taken down somehow by a manipulator
We realize that the teacher we thought was perfect for us was creating an illusion.
The partner refuses the next step on the spiritual journey. A friend who always seemed like a fun person becomes a drain or a drama queen.
The key to all of this progress on the spiritual path is to experience our spiritual growth in terms of relationships. Those learnings may involve becoming disillusioned, getting hurt, or getting taken down somehow.
How do we avoid the intuitive manipulator?
[click_to_tweet tweet=”The truth is, many people are #intuitive, but not necessarily spiritual. Many people have trauma tucked away and attend #spiritual workshops, even teach them but don’t really want to do the work.” quote=”The truth is, many people are intuitive, but not necessarily spiritual. Many people have trauma tucked away and attend spiritual workshops, even teach them but don’t really want to do the work.”]
It can be shocking to experience this in the context of a spiritual awakening, but is it worse or better than getting a bad haircut or a bad boob job?
Some avoidance tactics
Ask yourself the following questions
Does this person make my gut feel uncomfortable?
Does this person do what they say, does the inside match the outside?
Is there something about their spiritual path or story that seems inconsistent?
What lifestyle do they lead – does it match their professed beliefs?
What do your spiritual guides and third language tell you?*
Is there a lot of intense eye contact?**
*The third language is a term coined by Lee Carroll, who channels Kryon. I’ve experienced the third language as my own voice in my head, giving me insightful messages. (Ignore the negative messages, that may be your inner judge). Think of it as the voice of your Higher Self, which is the wifi connection between you and your Soul.
**Intense eye contact can be a bit of a giveaway, also face-reading or expression-checking. Narcissists, in particular, are very good at this, because they can read your thoughts and emotional state from your eyes. Creepy, but true.
Intuitive manipulators and the astral field, or consciousness field
We all stream data outwards from our energy fields as we move through life.
If we are intuitive and sensitive also, there is a tendency to reach out with our emotional field and feel others energetically in order to feel safe. This energetic connection is the lifeblood of getting intimate with you in some way for intuitive manipulators.
Either with intention or just because they are suffering and traumatized and don’t know why, they will ‘feel’ you. This will occur electromagnetically, much like the shark senses its prey by connecting to a distressed fish’s heartbeat using electroreception.
If you are an injured intuitive or a wounded healer, that’s what the skilled intuitive manipulator will know.
They will know this either by sensing your energy, your behavior, your expressions, or your actions and circumstances over time. It’s an energetic jungle out there and our auras are constantly merging!
Learning to use your discernment on the spiritual journey
To turn discernment into a useful energetic tool, consider it a combination of your ‘clairs’ or intuitive skills, plus your intuition and your bodily senses (gut feel especially).
You can also learn to incorporate your connection to your Higher Self and anything intuitive that pops into your head during interactions that make you uncomfortable!
Moving your body position and keeping your eyes and face blocked in some way may also help until you can figure out what is going on.
Remember, we all have access to intuition and the astral plane, but the intention and use are always relative to an individual soul’s journey.
Personal growth is intimately tied to societal innovation, corporate transformation, and career success; the inner and outer can no longer be disconnected.
Penny Pierce
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