The World Family Tree, DNA and our Akashic Records

The World Family Tree, DNA and our Akashic Records

Have you ever wondered how many people you are directly related to on this planet? The World Family Tree project makes a start at this by connecting more than 260 million people as actual relations. Given that there are about 7.5 billion people on the planet, the project has a little further to go. In the meantime, I reflect on the Akashic Perspective. There is something to learn about us as humans every single day.

What is Energetic Integrity?

What is Energetic Integrity?

What is Energetic Integrity? Well often, we know what it isn’t! We sometimes know when other people are lying, something is ‘off’ about them or their body language is incongruent with their inner energetic intentions. How can we know this? Because of our own Energetic Integrity, or lack of it — we resonate with, or against the energy of the person we are observing. To learn more…read on…

A new way to think about your future

A new way to think about your future

How often do you think about your future? Did you know know that you have an energetic relationship with your future and that you can influence outcomes? This may sound somewhat out of the box – yet our present and past decisions affect our future energetically. Find out more and try out my future goal setting personality quiz.

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