What is the difference between a psychic, a medium and an empath?

What is the difference between a psychic, a medium and an empath?

What is the difference between a psychic, a medium, and an empath?

I am asked this question quite often, what is the difference between the three categories?

Psychics are more commonly talked about these days, some psychic mediums are becoming public figures, and empathy is discussed in many forums online.

So what do these terms all mean?

A psychic can read your energy field.  They can relay information such as…

  • future possibilities and potentials
  • relationship issues
  • answers to past and present circumstances.  Predict the possible future outcomes in your current frame of probability.

A psychic medium can read your energy field for information such as

  • all of the above, plus
  • psychic mediums can also connect with your Loved Ones who have passed.  They can relay personal information about your relationships present and past.
  • Psychic mediums have that name because they use their bodies as a ‘medium’ to interpret information from spirit.  This can manifest as anything from becoming like the deceased Loved One through physical quirks and mannerisms, to sensing memories from the Loved Ones past.  This helps to validate the experience of being connected with the Loved One for the client.

An empath may not be psychic, or a medium, but has (for whatever reason) a higher level of mirror neurons than some, meaning that the person can

  • tune in to other people’s emotions
  • read emotional energy or emotional states very easily
  • sense collective emotional energy unconsciously or consciously.

What about HSPs, or Highly Sensitive People?

Then there are HSPs, or Highly Sensitive People, who may, or may not be empathic and…

  • are extremely aware of their environment and the noise/sensations/actions of others
  • need regular breaks from stimulation to avoid overwhelm
  • HSPs make great carers, healers and health practitioners because of their sensitivity. (So do empaths).

Here’s a popular post I wrote about Spiritual HSPs. Highly Sensitive Person AND Spiritual – Spiritual HSP? | New World Energetics

Reframing your language to change your inner world

Reframing your language to change your inner world

Reframing your language – what does this mean?

I was unaware of the term ‘reframing your language’, or the requirement to reframe language as a personal development tool until I attended some NLP™ (Neuro-Linguistic Programming™) training.

Language can be stored in our inner world, or subconscious, as somatic whole forms, meaning, not just what we say, but what we think, hear, feel sense and know at the time.

In short, words can activate multi-dimensional sensory states, affecting our whole body chemistry.

Remember a happy memory, smell, feeling, day or time in your life

Learning to reframe your words can help you switch to somatic states of awareness that serve you better.

Does the smell of something bring back a happy feeling for you (some smells, of course, might make you recoil if there is an uncomfortable association).

For me, the smell of cut grass is a happy thing.  It means summer days, tennis on the lawn and brings back memories of having raspberries for tea from the garden.

Perhaps when you hear a particular musical track, it brings back a happy time.

Or you might enjoy a sport or dance which represents ‘glory days’ for you.

Reframing your language can do this too.

Reframing your language and endorphins

Changing our language might seem like a lot of work.

I remember feeling that way on the NLP™ course and also having feelings of not being good enough coming up from my inner world when this concept was presented to me.

I had always been proud of my language skills and had enjoyed language and literature at school.  I also found that writing came easily to me.

That was my ego talking, however, and was not the point of the training.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The point was – more positive ways of reframing your language can create more positive states – quite literally, change the body and mind feel. #nlp #language #personalgrowth” quote=”The point was – more positive ways of reframing your language can create more positive states – quite literally, change the body and mind feel.”]

In our high-stress society, this has to be a good thing.

Some excellent examples of reframing your language

Recently on Twitter, I saw this tweet about 9 things to quit.

The intention of the above tweet is very powerful, having us consider practices of thinking, feeling, and acting in ways that do not serve us so that we can release those practices and change our inner world for the better.

Here are some ways to reframe the language of the tweet to make it even more powerful.

Reframing your language – how to do it

The simplest way to reframe is to switch a sentence from something that feels heavy in the body to something that feels lighter.

Trying to please everyone

(draining, hard to do, ‘there is no try’) becomes…

Learning to please yourself

No. 2…

Fearing change

can become

Accepting change

We could play with this a little more

Embracing change

Or find a saying (one of my favorites)

Change is here to stay.

Free printable exercise

If the idea of reframing your language resonates for you, here’s a free printable to help you complete the exercise>>Reframing your language

Until next time!

How to save yourself from intuitive manipulators

How to save yourself from intuitive manipulators

Intuitive manipulators

Intuition is a gift and a skill we all have, not just for spiritual work, but also to help save ourselves from manipulators.  Some may say “I’m not very intuitive” either as a reason not to develop their skills or as an excuse for staying in lack of awareness land.

If we learn to get ourselves in the right state of mind, we can focus on growing our natural intuition.

This involves spatial awareness, emotional awareness of self and others, and the beginning of our journey to learning more about ourselves and the hidden parts of our internal self.

Over time, we can crank it up a notch and start to consider the higher levels of intuition or spiritual growth.

We may join a spiritual group or mystery school.  Perhaps we’ll awaken to some of our higher intuitive skills such as clairvoyance or clairaudience.

Maybe we’ll create a stronger connection to our Higher Self and fire up the desire for soul expansion.

Then we get taken down somehow by a manipulator

We realize that the teacher we thought was perfect for us was creating an illusion.

The partner refuses the next step on the spiritual journey.   A friend who always seemed like a fun person becomes a drain or a drama queen.

The key to all of this progress on the spiritual path is to experience our spiritual growth in terms of relationships.   Those learnings may involve becoming disillusioned, getting hurt, or getting taken down somehow.

How do we avoid the intuitive manipulator?

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The truth is, many people are #intuitive, but not necessarily spiritual.  Many people have trauma tucked away and attend #spiritual workshops, even teach them but don’t really want to do the work.” quote=”The truth is, many people are intuitive, but not necessarily spiritual.  Many people have trauma tucked away and attend spiritual workshops, even teach them but don’t really want to do the work.”]

It can be shocking to experience this in the context of a spiritual awakening, but is it worse or better than getting a bad haircut or a bad boob job?

Some avoidance tactics

Ask yourself the following questions

Does this person make my gut feel uncomfortable?

Does this person do what they say, does the inside match the outside?

Is there something about their spiritual path or story that seems inconsistent?

What lifestyle do they lead – does it match their professed beliefs?

What do your spiritual guides and third language tell you?*

Is there a lot of intense eye contact?**

*The third language is a term coined by Lee Carroll, who channels Kryon.  I’ve experienced the third language as my own voice in my head, giving me insightful messages.  (Ignore the negative messages, that may be your inner judge).  Think of it as the voice of your Higher Self, which is the wifi connection between you and your Soul.

**Intense eye contact can be a bit of a giveaway, also face-reading or expression-checking.  Narcissists, in particular, are very good at this, because they can read your thoughts and emotional state from your eyes.  Creepy, but true.

Intuitive manipulators and the astral field, or consciousness field

We all stream data outwards from our energy fields as we move through life.

If we are intuitive and sensitive also, there is a tendency to reach out with our emotional field and feel others energetically in order to feel safe.   This energetic connection is the lifeblood of getting intimate with you in some way for intuitive manipulators.

Either with intention or just because they are suffering and traumatized and don’t know why, they will ‘feel’ you.  This will occur electromagnetically, much like the shark senses its prey by connecting to a distressed fish’s heartbeat using electroreception.

If you are an injured intuitive or a wounded healer, that’s what the skilled intuitive manipulator will know.

They will know this either by sensing your energy, your behavior, your expressions, or your actions and circumstances over time.  It’s an energetic jungle out there and our auras are constantly merging!

Learning to use your discernment on the spiritual journey

To turn discernment into a useful energetic tool, consider it a combination of your ‘clairs’ or intuitive skills, plus your intuition and your bodily senses (gut feel especially).

You can also learn to incorporate your connection to your Higher Self and anything intuitive that pops into your head during interactions that make you uncomfortable!

Moving your body position and keeping your eyes and face blocked in some way may also help until you can figure out what is going on.

Remember, we all have access to intuition and the astral plane, but the intention and use are always relative to an individual soul’s journey.

The World Family Tree, DNA and our Akashic Records

The World Family Tree, DNA and our Akashic Records

world family tree

We have a World Family Tree, and it is being assembled

Just this week I read a story in People Magazine about the World Family Tree.

(OK so I’ll admit it, I enjoy People magazine — it’s a guilty pleasure! Not only do I learn about famous people’s Akashic stories, but those classic archetypal circumstances and life lessons that repeat over and over). Plus, it’s mental wallpaper!

world family treeIn the article, author A.J. Jacobs reports working with scientists to assemble a family tree of relations more than 260 million people in size. Just for reference, our current planetary population is at approximately the 7.5 billion mark, give or take a few transitions or births, so from that perspective the project still has a little way to go in order to document the connections between everybody incarnated here currently.

A.J. Jacobs has written a book about his quest so far, It’s All Relative: Adventures Up and Down the World’s Family Tree.

From his research to date the author says he learned 5 things

1. We all have black sheep, and that’s a good thing
2. At least one of our ancestors is a Neanderthal
3. The World Family Tree is the ultimate social network
4. We are all mutts
5. We are all related.

1. We all have black sheep, and that’s a good thing.

A.J. Jacobs viewpoint is that most people have a ‘bad apple’ in the family and that having that realization can make us more reflective and less judgemental of others.

I remember when I was getting a divorce, I sadly told my mum over the phone and she said: “That’s alright dear, remember your dad was divorced too when he met me.” I had completely forgotten that!

So, when we learn about family patterns that perhaps we thought didn’t apply to us or would never happen to us and then suddenly they do, it can create an inclusive type of energy for the recipient.

And remember, when we access our Akashic Records, we become connected to an energy or mindset that is judgment-free. That is often a good thing when we begin to research our Past Lives.

2. At least one of our ancestors is a Neanderthal.

This was news to me, but according to the research, most of us have about 3% Neanderthal DNA.  Also according to the research, it’s believed that Neanderthals did have the power of speech and had high squeaky voices.

As a ‘Clan of the Cave Bear’ fan (Jean M Auel – The Clan of the Cave Bear: Earth’s Children, Book One), I guess her depiction of Neanderthals using sign language might have to be rewritten after all.

In a past life regression, I remember being in a tropical forest and speaking in a ‘clicking’ kind of language (Khoisan click languages – African). It’s fascinating to know that, not only have our Souls have past life connections, but our bodies, too.

3. The World Family Tree is the ultimate social network

A.J. Jacobs said he was able to swing a lunch with President George H.W. Bush because he found out that they were distantly related. I’m sure researching the book helped!

At the Akashic level, it’s good to remember that in fact, we are all somebody’s cousin, and somebody else’s first cousin once removed husband’s third-great-grandmother’s third-great nephew. (A.J. Jacob’s relationship to Present George H.W. Bush). Because it’s true!

4. We are all mutts.

“There’s no such thing as racial purity”. Henry Louis Gates

According to A.J. Jacobs, for example, the average African-American has 24% European ancestry.

Many of us may have seen the recent adverts from Ancestry DNA, where people state they have issues with certain races or nationalities, only to find after a DNA test that their own DNA contains large amounts of said previously ‘hated’ example.

It can be pretty humbling to remember this, and also to realize how loony tunes Hitler was to even consider the idea of an ‘Aryan’ or pure race.

5. We are all related.

Fact. In a world where we now know this to be scientific fact, many cultures, races, and groups are still keeping an energetic bias of separation going in their brainpans.

Much of this can be attributed to lack of education and cultural, social or even religious bias.

From the Akashic Perspective, we are all unique, yet all connected. Which, interesting to note, can also be said to be true of the scientific perspective regarding our DNA.

Now our bodies just need to catch up with our minds and our spirits.

A new way to think about your future

A new way to think about your future


Have you ever tried to predict the future, or had it done for you, and it’s been accurate?

If yes, then I’m sure it’s also true that you’ve had experiences of the same that have been totally inaccurate!

So is it possible to predict the future?

After many years of spiritual study, I would say – in some cases yes, in others, no.

Doesn’t that sound like what I said at the beginning?

Yes, you are correct. This is not intended to confuse you, but to give you an energetic sense of the changing nature of the future.

But here is what I have learned from embodying the energy of the future and how it can help us in the now.

What is true of the future energetically?

1. It doesn’t exist (yet)
2. We can create it
3. Others can influence it through free will
4. We are bound energetically by our present and past life energy unless we choose to release or clear blocks and restrictions
5. What we intend for our future steers us in that direction, consciously and unconsciously
6. We can change course and chart a new direction at any time
7. We can work with our Personal Energy to manifest our intended future.

If that sounds a bit wild or something you have barely thought about, then you can relax

This is most people’s response initially and can sometimes make us feel fearful, stuck or angry – for example, at what we may be missing out on if only we could_____________ (fill in the gap).

What if you could learn more about your relationship with the future energetically, and as part of that learning process change the results you are creating and co-creating?

Remember that co-creating involves other people and their free will so it can be a little more complex!

If you are interested in creating a new energetic relationship with your future, my new Energetic Goal Setting Sessions may interest you.

Energetic Goal Setting – do this quiz to start to work with your Goal Setting Personality!

The quiz below is here to guide you through some thought processes. If some of the questions make you feel sweaty and uncomfortable – it’s OK – that’s where the gold is, because you likely have blocks or restrictions to clear out!

[wp_quiz id=”2104″]

Energetic Goal Setting Sessions with Sarah

I am now offering Energetic Goal Setting Sessions through the Akashic Records.

I help you to work with your Personal Energy to help change your vibrational relationship with the Future (funnily enough this involves working with the Past and Present too!)

These sessions are recommended as a three part piece of coaching work

1st hourdiscover your vibrational relationship with the future (the Past and Present are involved here).

2nd hourLearn Energetic Goal Setting

3rd hour – split into 4×15 minute coaching sessions over a 2 month period. Learn how to check for results and adjust your course.

Book an Energetic Goal Setting Session here>>

Read more about Energetic Goal Setting here>>