The EMF Balancing Technique® – a new way to view our consciousness
The EMF Balancing Technique® is something I have studied and practiced for over 10 years now.
Initially I went to a session whilst on a visit to the UK, since the EMF Balancing Technique®, a form of energy work, is practiced in over 60 countries now.
An EMF Balancing Technique® practitioner gave a group talk and demonstrated the 15 minute seated session with a volunteer from the audience, who just happened to be my friend and business partner!
She seemed to really enjoy the session and I could feel energy moving around my body as the session was given, as if strings were being pulled.
The EMF Balancing Technique® – what to expect during a session or ‘Phase’
There are 13 phases or sessions within the EMF Balancing Technique® body of work.
The first four phases of the EMF Balancing Technique®, phases I-IV, can be experienced remotely via Skype or over the phone.
This picture is an artist’s impression of The Lattice, or Universal Calibration Lattice (how your electromagnetic energy appears visually).
Clients often experience…
- feelings of extreme peace and relaxation
- some people experience energetic phenomena, such as visions, tingles, a sense of energy, release of muscle tension, release of ‘stuck’ energy or a sense of energy flow and movement
- some people just have the deepest sleep for the whole of the EMF Balancing Technique® session, but still get the same benefits afterwards as those who stay awake!
- a connection with the ‘greater than self’ or universal consciousness (substitute your own words here)
- gentle emotional releases without having to relive the emotional trauma all over again
- energy centers, or chakras, coming into greater balance.
The first four phases are structured so that the client has a brief introductory talk and explanation of the EMF Balancing Technique® sessions, followed by a 45 minute session laying on a massage table.
Specific areas of the Personal Energy Field, or Universal Calibration Lattice (as it’s called within the frame of the EMF Balancing Technique®) are worked with during each phase.
All phases or sessions of the EMF Balancing Technique® are scripted and involve specific words or ‘say-alouds’ spoken by your practitioner and very specific hand movements.
There is some physical touch involved too in one-on-one sessions and you are always informed about this beforehand.
So why have an EMF Balancing Technique® Session?
This is where energy work becomes so interesting, since once you have experienced one of the phases of the EMF Balancing Technique® you will notice ‘unfoldings’ and ‘happenings’ during the session, after the session, and sometimes even before the session! An EMF Balancing Technique® session is truly a quantum event!
Some benefits include but are not restricted to –
- increased energy, well-being, clarity and focus
- increased comfort around previously emotionally-charged events
- a need to rest and sleep (sometimes releasing restricted energy can have this effect)
- a greater awareness of yourself and others as HEBs (Human Energy Beings!)
- a gentle release of trauma or emotional charges around an event, life situation or circumstance so that you can deal with daily life better.
Balancing your energy field – helping us all to enjoy modern life better with the EMF Balancing Technique®
As the field of energy psychology continues to grow and demonstrate benefits for all of our wellness I believe that all parents need to learn more about our Personal Energy Fields.
I know that this form of energy work has enabled me to manage my energy better, also enabling me to demonstrate to my children how to do the same, an invaluable personal development tool for the fast pace of modern living.
The EMF Balancing Technique® has been an influential part of my spiritual journey and the work and study has helped me enormously.
The energy tools introduced as part of this work definitely help me to stay balanced and grounded during a busy 10 years where I married, moved to the USA from the UK, had a baby on each coast and lived in 4 different States.
The EMF Balancing Technique® – Online Sessions with Sarah at New World Energetics
If you’d like to experience this relatively new approach to connecting with your Personal Energy Field, then I offer Online Sessions.
You can connect via Skype or over the phone and receive phases I-IV of the EMF Balancing Technique® remotely.
You can contact me and figure out if this form of energy work is for you by direct experience. A simple way to discover more about the EMF Balancing Technique®!
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